推广 热搜: 打包箱活动房 快拼箱   集装箱材料   折叠活动房


品牌: 北京金华恒源
顶箱角: 210*150*200,镀锌80g/㎡
底箱角: 210*150*120,镀锌80g/㎡,
角立柱: 210*150*30(mm),2470mm高
单价: 1.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 111111 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 2017-09-22 [已过期]
最后更新: 2019-07-12 09:32
浏览次数: 600
  • 北京金华恒远集成房屋有限公司
  • 电话:18515162328
  • 地区北京
  • 联系人成俊才(先生)    
  • 详细说明



    北京恒源建筑集团下属北京金华恒源集成房屋有限公司及北京厚德恒源钢结构有限公司,公司早成立于2001年,产品遍及全国各地并出口外蒙古、沙特、刚果、俄罗斯等国家。北京金华恒源集成房屋有限公司,是一家集设计、生产、销售、租赁箱式活动房、集成房屋、集装箱模块房为一体的综合性企业,公司拥有钢结构生产车间、焊接成型车间、彩钢板生产车间、总装配车间等整套生产设施,生产车间8千余平方米,专业生产标准模块化箱式活动房,公司产品以轻钢结构为房屋骨架,保温夹心板为墙体材料,构件均采用螺栓连接方式,所有材料配件均已达到标准化、模块化生产,致力打造舒适大方、安全环保、快捷高效的新型房屋建筑,该产品已经广泛应用于国内各大建筑工地、旅游景区宾馆、医院学校及欧美、东南亚和中东地区等地的临时和永久性建筑。 公司引进具有世界先进水平的生产线和设备,吸纳多名高级建筑师和结构工程师,公司致力于现代建筑的工厂化、标准化、模块化为方向,并将持之以恒的专注于产品研发和服务水平的提升。“敬业”是我们的态度,“专业”是我们的职能,“兴业”是我们的方向。我们秉持“敬业—专业—兴业”的公司理念,正努力将金华恒源打造成国内、国际模块化建筑行业旗舰品牌。

    Beijing Jinhua Hengyuan Integrated housing Co.,Ltd and BeijingHoude Steel Structure Company are affiliated with Beijing He Yuan Construction Group. The company is established in 2001 with product selling to all provinces cross the country and exported to Mongolia, Saudi Arabic, Congo and Russia. Beijing Jinhua Hengyuan Integrated housing Co.,Ltd., is a comprehensive enterprise integrating design, production, sales and leasing box-type trailer, integrated housing, container module room. The company has steel structure workshop, welding workshop, color steel workshop and other production facilities. The workshop covers an area of 8000 m2 to professionally produce standard modular box-type trailer. The product includes skeleton of building of light steel structure, insulation sandwich board as wall material and all the components are connected by bolts. All accessories are now of standardized and modular produced, dedicated to forge comfort, safe, environment-friendly and efficient new house building. This product is now widely used in construction sites, hotel in tourism scenic spots, hospital, schools as well as temporary and permanent building in Europe and America, Southeast Asia, and middle east regions. Company has introduced the world's advanced level of production lines and equipment, absorbing a number of senior architects and structural engineers. the company is committed to taking industrialization, standardization and modularization of modern architecture as the direction, and will persistently focus on the improvement of product and service level. Being Dedicated is our attitude, being professional is our duty, being prosperous is our direction. We will be always upholding this company philosophy to develop Jin Hua Heng Yuan into a flagship brand in modularization construction field home and abroad. 联系电话






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    自产自销打包彩钢箱式房 批发价格低


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